Larry Williams

Through good years and bad Larry has survived recording and teaching his market wisdom.

Larry is a best selling author featured on Amazon. You can find most of the books Larry has written there.

Larry Williams has taught thousands to trade the markets, and has been the only futures trader in the world to repeatedly trade $1 million of his own money live at seminars around the globe.
- Stocks and Technical Analysis "Island Trader" 2004 by Matt Blackman

From time to time, Jim Cramer's Mad Money features Larry's market analysis. This video segment below is from Mad Money's December 2, 2019 show. It will give you an idea the appreciation the trading world has for Larry. Larry's work was featured multiple times in 2019 and prior years. Google Jim Cramer Larry Williams to watch more segments.

Click here watch a more recent videos from Mad Money

Larry has also been a guest on countless live broadcasts such as Bloomberg, MSNBC, CNBC, and other financial newtworks. He was also a commentator on FNN for numerous years (CNBC became its successor).

1962 was when Larry began following the markets. His interest was sparked by the Kennedy market crash, when President Kennedy forced a roll back in steel prices. The crash was front page news everywhere. People lost millions but Larry was more taken by the fact that if you had been "short" the market, you would have made millions.

Larry began to understand that he could make a $100 day trading the markets, whether the market was going up or down. He was smitten. To a 20 year old college kid, $100 bought a lot of beer and pizza. Larry Williams graduated from the University of Oregon in 1964 with a bachelors in Journalism, thus his passion for writing.

By 1965 Larry was actively trading the markets and began writing a newsletter as well. It wasn't long before Larry began producing ground breaking market research. In 1966 Larry developed his famous timing tool, Williams Percent R. This tool still is published daily in many major financial papers and is a standard indicator provided on trading web sites, software, and apps around the world.

On the Campaign Trail with President Reagan

In 1970 his first investment book, "The Secret of Selecting Stocks For Immediate and Substantial Gains", was published. Larry followed that with the first book ever on the seasonality of stocks and futures, "Sure Thing Commodity Trading, How Seasonal Factors Influence Commodity Prices".

In between trading, researching and developing trading tools, teaching, and writing, Larry managed to run twice for the U.S. Senate as well as 76 marathons.

Larry with President Reagan 1987 on Air Force One

Larry's long list of best-selling books includes 1982's "How to Prosper in the Coming Good Years" which accurately forecast the largest bull market and surge in economic growth in American history. He is a past board member of the National Futures Association and the recipient of numerous awards, including Futures Magazine's first Doctor of Futures Award, the Omega Research Lifetime Achievement Award, Significant Sig (a Sigma Chi acknowledgement), Traders International 2005 Trader of the Year, on October 6, 2002 the mayor of San Diego declared that day as Larry Williams' Day, and 2014 MTA (Market Technicians Association) Man of the Year Award.

In the Press

Larry is frequently interviewed as an expert on trading futures and commodities and has appeared in numerous industry publications.