We thought that we would share with you a few of the nonprofits that Louise and I actively support. There is so much more to life than trading, and our successes can be shared in many ways with others. As students and followers, know that you are a part of this as well.

What Louise and I personally have accomplished in our lives was largely the result of others' generosity. Both of us received scholarships to attend college. We both feel from our hearts that we need to give back to help our communities improve, see that our young people are inspired and have a chance to be succesful in their endeavors. We strive to make a difference in other people's lives in our community and to support the causes that we believe in and that resonate with us.

Obviously, being an educator, the majoriy of our focus has been on academic scholarships.

Many of you know that my book royalties go to a scholarship at the University of Oregon. But you probably aren't aware that the scholarship is fully endowed, which means - again thanks to those who have purchased my books - the scholarship will live in purpituity. I will continue to add royalties to the scholarship. Take some time to read the thank you notes from U of O students - as my student, you too have made a difference in their lives.

Louise recently funded an endowed scholarship at the University of Rochester Eastman School of Music in honor of her father as well as one for the Women's Basketball program at Rochester. So, now we have three endowments. 2016 was the fifth year in a row we gave a full ride scholarship to the University of the Virgin Islands and we will continue to do so in 2017.

My dad was not able to go to college thanks to the depression. He always said, "Larry, learn to work with your head not you back like me." Frankly, I was not much of a student except in the classes I liked. So my scholarships are based on talent not grades.

Louise's are focused on education as well but her involvement in sports at a very young age helped shaped who she is. She tries to give back to a sport that gave so much to her, as well as be involved with the school that got her where she is today.

It is incredibly rewarding to be able to help students achieve their goals. Below are a few more tidbits on what we do to try to make a difference outside of the trading world. It's something we both enjoy and will continue to do as best we can.

University of Oregon

University of Oregon: Larry R Williams Scholarship in Honor of Max Wales

Scholarship Description: The Larry R Williams Scholarship endowment was established in 1999 by Larry Williams, class of '64, in grateful recognition of the practical education Professor Max Wales provided to so many School of Journalism and Communication students. The scholarship is awarded to students who have been accepted as majors in the program and have demonstrated creative talent and motiation, but may not have a high grade point average. Below are some of the recipients with a few personal thank you notes.

Brandt Hamilton
Madison Kirby
Sydney Madge
Madison McCallum
Neil Kirkpatrick
Stefan Sohlstrom
Holly Schnackenberg
Nickolaus Sugai
Madison Cole
Winter Giggs
Luke Harris
Matt Heath
Angie Ogburn
Michelle Knapp

Eastman Piano

University of Rochester Eastman School of Music The Honorable William Walsh Stapleton Piano Scholarship

Watch Video

Scholarship Description: Assist students passionate about piano studies. Judge Stapleton began studying piano at a very young age and continued to play well into his 80s. However he chose to study law at Notre Dame over his passion. His 13 children are eternally grateful for that choice since most would not exist had he chosen the path of music. :)


Yellowstone County Museum Ghost Dance Collection

Larry's loves for history, art and crowd psychology all come together in what has become known as the "Ghost Dance Movement". That swept over most of the tribes of the west starting in the 1850's. It is a fascinating story that lead to the Battle (massacre) at Wounded Knee. For years Larry has collected artifacts from that time period. They are now on exhibit at the Yellowstone County Museum in his home town of Billings, Montana for everyone to see and learn about an important part of our country's history. If you are ever there, please mention Larry's name for a special tour.


University of Rochester: Women's Basketball Endowment

In 2014 Louise established this endowment. The skills that athletes develop from sports are incredible. There are so many parallels with being a good trader. Below are just a few...

Discipline. Athletes know how important it is to practice every day, no matter how tedious. There are no short cuts.
Perseverance. For any great athlete, quitting just isn't an option.
Acceptance. How to lose and put it behind you. Win or lose, an athlete has to look toward the very next opponent on the schedule.
Drive. Setting and accomplishing goals.
Self-respect. Athletes learn how to trust their skills and how far they can push themselves.
Achievement. Athletes learn that hard work pays off.
Perseverance. For any great athlete, quitting just isn't an option.

There are many more of course. Sports account largely for who Larry and Louise are as individuals. Univ of Rochester is a great academic school, and as a former athlete Louise is very proud that U of R student-athletes have a higher graduation ratio than the rest of the student body. This endowment is her way of giving back to women's basketball. Louise also has been a board member of the US Virgin Islands Triathlon Federation for many years.

Other charity organizations, schools, and scholarships we support

Georgetown University: John F Stapleton Scholarship, Queen Louise Lutheran Social Services, Good Hope Country Day School, Robert Baird Memorial Fund, VI Pace, Roseway, Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands, Think Dignity (Formerly Girls Think Tank), Celebrity Fight Night (fund raiser for Parkinson's), MS Bike Ride Cleveland, St Croix Foundation, Women's Coalition of St Croix, Virgin Islands Triathlon Federation, Sponsor Red Lodge Songwriters Festival, and St Croix Animal Welfare Center.

Once again - Thank You. We could not do this without your support!